Kyampisi Childcare Ministries

About KCM

Kyampisi Childcare Ministries (KCM) began in 2009 under Pastor Peter Sewakiryanga’s leadership, inspired by the rampant child sacrifice and witch doctor practices in the Kyampisi area. Since then, KCM has expanded its services, now including a church, Rock Hill school offering primary and secondary education, Weema medical clinic, and St. Paul’s rehabilitation center. This center hosts over 60 children, providing refuge for victims of child sacrifice, domestic abuse, and trafficking, helping them heal and thrive

The people of Kyampisi have to walk incredibly long distances to get clean water and KCM has provided wells and bore holes for the people there.

For more information about KCM, please visit their website at:

What they do

Ecomonic Empowerment

Investing in economic empowerment establishes a clear path towards poverty eradication, equality, and growth.

Community Health

Community health has a far-reaching impact – from educational achievement to the ability to function independently.

Child Protection

We believe every child deserves a life free from violence, exploitation, abuse, and neglect.


Without quality education, which is non-discriminative and equitable, children are more likely to fall victim to stigmatization.